Research 2000 for Daily Kos (10/20-22, likely voters, 9/30-10/1 in parens):
Dan Seals (D): 49 (38)
Mark “Tiberius” Kirk (R-inc): 43 (44)
Undecided: 7 (16)
(MoE: ±5%)
You got that, folks? It’s a shame that Mark Kirk has lost all of his credibility when it comes to disputing poll numbers — recall that he kvetched like a little kid when Daily Kos showed him leading Seals by six. When SurveyUSA turned around and released a poll showing Seals leading by eight, suddenly Kirk’s press flacks were praising the virtues of the Daily Kos/R2K poll. Pathetic.
Let’s look at the movement: Kirk’s favorable rating is taking a dive, currently sitting at 41-47 (down from 45-40). Seals has increased his lead among Dems from 70-12 to 83-10, and has taken a 51-42 lead among Independents. In the previous poll, Kirk had lead among these voters by a 45-34 margin.
While it’s worth noting that a recent Dem poll for Progress Illinois showed Kirk up by six, the incumbent has been well under 50% in every poll released this month. Seals has Kirk on the ropes, and could be poised to deliver a knockout blow on election day.
Kirk is a dead Congressman walking.
Guess that last SUSA poll was on target afterall.
Just curious. Is this some inside joke I’m not aware of with Mr. Kirk?
Mark Kirk is advertising on Air America Radio in Chicago. I’m not kidding.
Peter Roskam (R-NW suburbs) is inundating the airwaves on other radio stations, which means he might be in more trouble than anyone expected. His commercials are bizarre and stupid, very Ayersish.
Judy Biggert (R-Western suburbs) is also advertising on Chicago radio stations in what is normally a safe district.
And Barack Obama is inundating the airwaves as well, not because Illinois is in danger, but because residents of Northwest Indiana listen to Chicago radio. I have yet to hear a McCain commercial although I read he is buying time.